About Me
Hello, I am Ankita Chauhan based in Hanover, Maryland. I am User Interface Developer. I know technologies such as JavaScript ES6, HTML5, CSS3, Git. Currently I am enrolled in MIT's xPro Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN program. I have master's degree in Applied Information Technology with specialization in DBMS from Towson University. I am also a mother and homemaker. My strengths are interest in learning, positive attitude and resilience.
Contact Information

In this excercise we have used four images of the pacman and the pacman changes the direction of its movement if it hits boundary. we can add multiple pacmans and they will have random velocity and starting positions.
Demo Github Repository
Eye Motion
In this exercise the divs which are modified using css to look like eyes. The eye ball's position is modified based on position of mouse pointer to make it appear like the eyes are following the you.
Demo Github Repository
Bus Tracker
In this exercise we show the bus stops on the route between Harvard and MIT. We utilize data from mapbox to implement this exercise.
Demo Github Repository